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- Annual financial audits, particularly of stock corporations, limited liability companies (GmbH) under the German Commercial Code and the Publicity Act, as well as corporate groups
- Voluntary audits of companies
- Audit of acquisitions of shares and business purchases
- Business valuations
- Fraud examinations
- Creditworthiness assessments
- Prospectus audits
- Founding audits
- Management audits, including in accordance with the Budgetary Principles Act
- Merger and transformation audits
- Organizational audits
- General audit/internal audit
- Audit of brokers, property developers, loan and investment intermediaries according to the Broker and Property Developer Ordinance
- Reporting to foreign shareholders
- Development of an internal control system
- Exercise of control rights
- Audit of municipal enterprises
- Subsidy audits
- Audit of project accounts
- Audit of the correct use of funds provided by public contracting authorities for specific projects
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